„Monday to Friday Man” Alice Peterson

9780857383242Porzucona przed ołtarzem Gilly Brown szuka nowego pomysłu na siebie. Postanawia wynająć swój pokój gościnny od poniedziałku do piątku pewnemu bardzo atrakcyjnemu mężczyźnie. Kim jest tajemniczy współlokator? O tym dowiecie się z najnowszej książki Alice Peterson, za której redakcję odpowiadam.

Opis książki (Goodreads.com):

What do you do if you’re 34 and recovering from being jilted two weeks before your wedding day?

While friends are marrying, having children and moving to the depths of the countryside, Gilly Brown finds herself alone in London with just her little dog Ruskin for company. It’s time to move on, so, on a friend’s advice she looks for a lodger, a Monday to Friday one, and finds handsome television producer Jack Baker. Gilly falls for Jack’s charm and is transported into an exciting social whirlwind of parties, dining out and glamour.

When Jack is introduced to Gilly’s family and friends, it’s only the attractive and eccentric Guy, the newest recruit in the dog walking group, who isn’t quite so convinced about Jack’s intentions. As Guy watches them grow closer, his suspicions of Jack and his feelings for Gilly deepen. Is Jack so perfect after all… and what exactly does he get up to at the weekends?


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